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San Francisco Bay Area

Review on Dr. Kimberly Henry – Id L.


August 11, 2015 | 1 minute read

Review from YelpEverything about this place is great!

-beautiful / clean location

-overly friendly staff that is always available for all aspects of the procedure

-very informative about what is expected / any complications that could go wrong

-After I had my surgery I did have pain as expected,(that is what happens when you get cut open lol).. but literally 3 days later my friends are jealous and I love them.. and they are not even HEALED yet.

It makes me sad to see some prior negative reviews- a lot of people i think expect the impossible. if you go into surgery, don’t eat well, and don’t take care of your body, surgery will not fix this. The best way is to be in the best shape you can be and Dr. Henry can help you from there.

I was also SHOCKED when i had a small concern a few days after surgery and that I was able to get a hold of her right away..
will definitely be doing more procedures in the future.
go Dr. Henry and her great staff keep up the great work!

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