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San Francisco Bay Area

Breast Augmentation Surgery Can Treat Cosmetic Deformities

Breast Augmentation

November 14, 2016 | 3 minute read

model with surgery bra on and bandageWhen patients come to our San Francisco plastic surgery center, they can rest assured knowing they’ll receive exceptional treatment. We routinely achieve great results in various anti-aging and body contouring procedures.

Breast augmentation surgery remains one of the most popular procedures around the globe. While it can increase the size of the breasts, it can also be performed to address deformities and address injuries. Let’s look at these applications for breast augmentation surgery.

Options for Asymmetrical Breasts

When a woman has breasts that are uneven in size, this can lead to a number of issues with regard to self-consciousness and overall body image. Having a breast implant placed can help even out the size of both breasts, making a major difference.

Options for Tubular Breasts

Also known as tuberous breasts, tubular breast are breasts that do not fully develop during puberty. This means the breasts may appear small, conical, and underdeveloped. This can all lead to the breasts pointing in less-than-pleasing angles. Placing breast implants can improve the shape of the breasts significantly.

Options for Pectus Carinatum

A congenital deformity, pectus carinatum is also known as pigeon chest. This occurs when the sternum and ribs protrude a great deal. Mild cases of this condition can be masked thanks to the placement of breast implants.

Options for Pectus Excavatum

Another congenital deformity, pectus excavatum is the opposite of pectus carnatum. In this condition, the chest is sunken in, creating an unsightly space along the sternum. Breast augmentation surgery along with a sternum implant can help address this particular condition.

Options for Nipple Hypertrophy

Nipple hypertrophy is a condition in which a woman’s nipples may be extremely large or very prominent. During a breast augmentation procedure, the nipples can be cosmetically altered for better size and shape.

Options for Inverted Nipples

For some women, their primary aesthetic problem is that their nipples are inverted. In these cases, corrective surgery for the nipples can be performed in addition to the placement of breast implants.

Options for Options for Areola Problems

When the areolas are extremely prominent, this can cause major self-consciousness for women. This can make wearing certain tops or bathing suits problematic. An areola reduction can be performed in addition to breast augmentation surgery, improving the size and shape of the areolas while giving the bustline a boost.

Options for Physical Trauma and Breast Injuries

If you sustain a serious injury to the chest or breasts, it can have a negative impact on your overall appearance. Breast augmentation is one of many reconstructive surgery options to keep in when when it comes to addressing serious injuries to the breasts.

Learn More About Breast Enhancement Surgery

For more information about your many options for breast enhancement, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery center today. The team here will work with you to ensure optimal results and enhanced curves and contours.

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