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San Francisco Bay Area

FDA Approves New Natrelle Breast Implant

Breast Augmentation, Plastic Surgery

April 18, 2013 | 3 minute read

dr showing patient implantsBreast augmentation can dramatically improve your confidence and self esteem by improving the look of your breasts. With the new FDA approved Natrelle Implant, breast augmentation can look more natural than ever before. If you are considering breast augmentation, we invite you to schedule a consultation with San Francisco plastic surgeon Kimberly Henry.

What Are Natrelle Implants?

The Natrelle breast implant (or Natrelle 410) is a new type of silicone implant recently approved by the FDA. It is a cohesive silicone gel implant and is anatomically shaped for a more natural look. The Natrelle implant is highly cohesive, which creates a firmer feel. Like previous implants, the Natrelle implant is available in multiple shapes and sizes. Natrelle implants can be used for augmentation or reconstruction. They can be surgically placed under the chest muscle or over the chest muscle depending on the patient’s specific needs.

The Benefits of Natrelle Implants

Traditional breast implants are round, which can make breast augmentation obvious. Because Natrelle implants are anatomically shaped, you can expect the results to be more natural looking. Another benefit of Natrelle implants is the highly cohesive silicone gel material that is used to fill the implant. The implant filler material is less likely to leak; instead, it stays firmly in place. Here are just a few of the many benefits of Natrelle implants:

  • Natural look and feel: The Natrelle implant tapers down to mimic the natural curve of a woman’s breast for more natural looking results. These implants also feel more natural as the silicone gel is soft yet firm.
  • Lower rate of capsular contracture: Clinical studies have shown women with Natrelle implants are less likely to suffer from capsular contracture, a hardening of the breast tissue.
  • Lower rippling rate: The silicone gel in the Natrelle 410 implants is highly cohesive, which means the gel stays in place and the chances of rippling are less likely.
  • Long-term satisfaction: At some point, all breast implants will need replacement. Natrelle implants have a high long-term satisfaction rate. Most women are still happy with their Natrelle implants even after seven years.
  • Safe: The silicone gel used in Natrelle implants was designed to stay in place so in the event of an implant rupture, the highly cohesive gel will stay in place and not leak into the breast tissue.

Candidates for Natrelle Implants

Natrelle implants can be used for breast augmentation or reconstruction. Candidates should be in good general health and unhappy with the appearance of their breasts. Those who are not candidates include those with an active infection in any part of the body, those who have cancer or pre-cancer of the breast, and women who are currently pregnant or nursing.

Schedule a Consultation

Our San Francisco breast augmentation patients are enjoying the natural look and feel of Natrelle implants. Find out if you’re a candidate for Natrelle implants. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Kimberly Henry today. We will be happy to schedule a consultation at your earliest convenience.

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