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San Francisco Bay Area

Category: Forehead Lift

Facelift, Facial Plastic Surgery, Forehead Lift

Best Treatments for the Brow

Image - Best Treatments for the Brow

Wrinkles and sagging skin can really take their toll on your appearance. This is especially true when it comes to the face. Just a few problematic wrinkles can leave you looking years older than your really are or than you feel. It’s for those reasons that meeting with a San Francisco plastic surgeon can be […]

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Brow Lift, Facial Plastic Surgery, Forehead Lift

Brow Lift Candidates

Image - Brow Lift Candidates

When it comes to looking your best and your youngest, it’s important that you take good care of yourself. You need to eat right, exercise, and be sure to avoid excessive sun exposure since that will do you more harm than good. There are some things that you may not be able to take care […]

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