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Five Plastic Surgery Myths Debunked

Plastic Surgery

November 26, 2012 | 2 minute read

Plastic surgery is a topic that has many myths surrounding it due to the sometimes controversial nature surrounding it. Here’s a list of among the top five myths that have circulated about plastic surgery:

Myth: Plastic surgery will let you look like a new person.
Truth: It’s possible, but not probable. Patients typically look a newer version of themselves, not completely different people.

Myth: Plastic surgery isn’t for men.
Truth: Though we hear about more women than men having plastic surgery, there is a growing number of men having plastic surgery procedures each year. Many men, in fact, believe that their personal appearance and grooming can affect their careers.

Myth: Breast implants may cause breast cancer.
Truth: According to the Institute of Medicine, breast implants do not cause breast cancer. Patients should perform regular self breast exams and get mammograms just as they did before the implants were put in.

Myth: Plastic surgery is only attainable to the rich and famous.
Truth: Today there are many options for paying for plastic surgery. Some insurance companies will also help you cover costs depending on why you want the surgery done. As the first step, Dr. Henry will help you figure out your procedure costs during your one-on-one consultation.

Myth: Plastic surgery isn’t safe.
Truth: Like any surgery there are risks associated with it. However, with the right surgeon you will be in good hands and learn about the risks with your particular procedure before you commit. In addition, making healthy choices in your eating, drinking, smoking, and exercise habits will help.

For more plastic surgery truths, check out “The Plastic Surgery Sourcebook”, authored by Dr. Henry.

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