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No Love Lost for the Love Handles: Cosmetic Treatments for the Flanks

Body Contouring

May 17, 2016 | 3 minute read

Lady's stomach with shirt lifted upThere may be many people who love the so-called “love handles,” but if you have them, you may find them somewhat less than lovable. What’s worse, you may have also discovered that the love handles – more properly called the flanks – are among the more difficult areas of the body to tone and trim through diet and exercise, no matter how hard you try. Fortunately, plastic surgery offers a potentially ideal solution in the form of body contouring.

Body contouring is not a single procedure, per se, but an umbrella term covering several procedures used to improve the shape of the body. These procedures can generally be performed in conjunction with one another or in isolation, focusing on specific areas of the body. For patients with accumulated deposits of fat in the flanks, the appropriate treatment will depend largely on their goals, as well as on how extensive their treatment needs are. Dr. Kimberly Henry offers several outstanding cosmetic treatments for the flanks at her San Francisco, CA plastic surgery practice, and she helps patients decide which is best suited to their individual cases during confidential, one-on-one consultations.

Have you fallen out of love with your love handles? We invite you to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Kimberly Henry today.


For patients who are at or near their ideal weight, but who have fat that has built up in the flanks, liposuction may be the best available solution. Liposuction targets isolated deposits of fat, breaking them up and then gently suctioning them out of the body through a device called a cannula. Surrounding healthy tissues are left intact; only the fat is removed. After a healing period, patients emerge with smoother skin and a trimmer contour. Liposuction is particularly ideal for patients whose flanks are out of proportion with otherwise well-toned abdominal regions.

Extended Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

For patients whose fat has accumulated in the flanks and the abdominal region, an extended abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, may be the best option. Unlike conventional tummy tuck surgery, extended abdominoplasty addresses the entire abdominal region, to the flanks, all the way around to the sides of the lower back. Dr. Henry removes excess fat and skin from the region through an extended incision, tightening the underlying musculature as necessary. She then pulls the remaining skin taut and sutures the incision closed. The entire abdominal region, including the flanks, will be trimmer and better defined.

Both liposuction and extended abdominoplasty can be combined with other procedures such as breast lift, thigh lift, breast augmentation, arm lift, face lift, and neck lift as part of a comprehensive aesthetic rejuvenation plan.

Learn More about Cosmetic Treatments for the Flanks

If you would like to learn more about how you can improve the appearance of the flanks through body contouring, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kimberly Henry by contacting our plastic surgery practice today.

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