Arm Lift Surgery in San Francisco
Arm Lift Surgery
You Can Firm, Tone, and Enhance Your Appearance with a Customized Arm Lift
The upper arm is an area of cosmetic concern for many patients who are bothered by loose, hanging skin.
Sagging upper arms can be age related, but also commonly occur after significant weight loss. To address these concerns, renowned San Francisco, CA, plastic surgeon Dr. Kimberly Henry can perform an arm lift to streamline and reshape your upper arms. This type of surgery can provide aesthetic, new contours for patients who seek a firmer, more youthful-looking appearance. Dr. Henry has a widespread reputation for providing beautiful body contouring results. Featured in many national publications, she is known for her skill, artistry, and attention to detail.
Dr. Henry and her team of specialists will provide you with several options to achieve your aesthetic goals.
Choosing an Upper Arm Lift
Excess skin and stubborn fat pockets can lead many women to hide their arms in even the warmest weather. An arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, eliminates hanging tissue to give you a more toned, taut look. For many patients, this surgery is combined with targeted liposuction to remove fat, so your arms look slimmer and more athletic.
An arm lift is a common procedure chosen by many male and female bariatric patients. These individuals are often left with significant excess skin and choose to complete their transformation with body contouring surgery. Dr. Henry also offers a complete body lift for patients who wish to re-contour several areas of concern at one time.
The Treatment Procedure
Dr. Henry can perform brachioplasty at the hospital, but often schedules surgeries at her accredited surgical suite in Greenbrae, CA. She will typically make an incision along the underside of the arm. However, some patients may choose to have the incision placed along the back of the arm.
The length of the incision will vary depending upon individual needs. For patients who have significant amounts of sagging skin, the incision may extend from armpit to elbow. For a minor revision, sometimes called a mini arm lift, Dr. Henry can confine the incision to the underarm area only. For all patients, she works carefully to camouflage scarring as much as possible.
To provide optimal results, Dr. Henry may perform liposuction or SmartLipo™ at the same time as your arm lift to remove unwanted fat. After this procedure, excess skin is then removed and the remaining skin pulled tight over the muscles and ligaments. Once the incision is sutured shut, new, slimmer contours are revealed.
Recover After an Arm Lift
Arm lift patients should expect to take at least a week off of work and allow several weeks for complete recovery. Some swelling and discomfort is normal. However, we can prescribe pain medication to increase your comfort during the recovery period. While you are recovering, you will also wear a specialized compression garment to help reduce fluid retention and improve healing.
If you are ready to show off sleeker, more-toned, upper arms, Dr. Henry can perform an arm lift to give you the look you desire.
Approximately two weeks after your surgery, you can return to most normal activities. Full exercise and physical activity should be avoided until you are cleared by Dr. Henry. While you will be able to notice significant effects immediately after surgery, you should expect to see your final results two to three months later. Once you have fully healed, you can enjoy your exciting new contours. Sleek, toned arms can have a dramatic impact on your overall appearance, naturally boosting your confidence and improving your silhouette.
Contact Dr. Kimberly Henry Serving Sacramento and Marin County
Transform Your Appearance
If you are ready to show off sleeker, more-toned, upper arms, Dr. Henry can perform an arm lift to give you the look you desire. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Henry, please call our office at (415) 924-1313 or fill out our online form. Ask our friendly staff about payment options, including CareCredit® and Alphaeon® Financing.
Dr. Kimberly Henry offers post weight Loss surgery with aesthetically appealing results. Contact Dr. Henry today to schedule a consultation.
Serving Northern California, the Bay Area, and San Francisco
350 Bon Air Road, Suite 1
Greenbrae, CA 94904
P / 415-997-0918
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Location Information
San Francisco
450 Sutter St. Suite 1340
San Francisco, CA 94108
P / 415-594-5237
715 Southpoint Blvd Ste C
Petaluma, CA 94954
P / 707-998-5976
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4627 Fermi Place, Suite 140
Davis, CA 95618
P / 530-290-3212